News & Press

Cape Cod Veterans News



Thank you Terry O'Donnell and the Sand Dollar Bar & Grill for the $10,000 donation yesterday, Friday Sept. 11th, a meaningful day. Terry has raised well over $50,000 for Cape Cod Veterans Inc. in the past 3 years. The needy Veterans on Cape Cod and Wounded Heroes at Walter Reed Military Medical Hospital thank you for allowing CCVI to assist them. It has been the usual crazy busy summer.

Our trip to Walter Reed Hosp. Memorial Day Week was nothing short of total inspiration. CCVI met with the Wounded Heroes on the TBI Ward and in various locations. CCVI catered and served a cookout diner for the Wounded Troops and their families at the new USO (see letter & photos on web site) with our singers (Dave Hickey & Christy Henshaw performing). As always all costs by members were paid by themselves, no monies came from our funds to pay their travel, hotels, meals. We thank Margret Hickey, Julie Bryant the Brodeur Family for assisting. Terry Clen did a super job with this trip. Thanks to Joe Buscone for his $1,000 donation, as well as The Hot Stove for their $600 and many others for the generous donations.

 President thanks all members who placed flags at Veterans Graves for Memorial Day in Dennis and Bourne Nat. Cemetery. Our June Wounded Warfighters Fishing Trip in Falmouth was washed out, but we had a nice day with the Wounded Heroes from Spaulding. The trip was done on Sept. 5th more on that later.

 Been working with the Hyannis VA helping needy Vets since it opened and this summer was no different. Nine Cape Veterans required monetary assistance this summer. CCVI handed out the $3,000 in TD Bank Gift Cards and we just ordered $3,000 more. A Yarmouth Disabled Vet we have helped for a year finally will receive his SSD, as will the Mashpee Vet. A women contacted CCVI from off Cape her 91 year old WWII father can’t be released from the Nursing Home unless he has handles installed in his bath room, I contacted Ralph Giangregorio Jr from 3 G’s Plumbing in Dennis Port a Vietnam veteran and supporter, he went there himself on the July 4th Weekend to do the job and the Vet was able to be home for the holidays. Ralph refused to give us a bill, well done comrade.

The VA in Hyannis contacted CCVI of a 93 year old Vet in Hyannis just released from the hospital, who was on oxygen and living in a torrid apartment with no A/C. One email brought 13 responses from our staff. Dave Worsman immediately left for Home Depot (a great supporter of ours) while Terry Clen and Butch Banis went to the apartment. In 3 hours all was installed and operating (see News and photos on our site).

Hi Richie,


First of all, I personally would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you do and how you do it. I had to leave for work when everyone showed up, but Sema was there through the process. Frank must be sleeping so comfortably tonight.

I have chills when I think about how this all played out for Frank. We went to the Veterans Patient Clinic on Stevens Street for guidance, who sent us to the Vet's Center on West Main St, who confirmed Frank's military status and put us right in touch with you, right there in her office. You put this right into action. 

Three Vet's just took over the situation while talking to Frank about his service. It was wonderful and I believe Frank needed that male conversation.  You could actually feel a circle around Frank from these men letting Frank know they truly were there for him and they were going to do this with honor. There is not one air-conditioner in this building that is installed so professionally as Frank's. 


I must tell you this, We thought Frank was going to be upset with us reaching out for help for him. When we got back to his apartment after talking to you on the phone and told him what we did and where we went for help and that Cape Cod Veterans said they were going to get a new a/c for you today. He lightly clapped his hands over his heart, a smile came over him and said a new a/c for me. We said, Yes Frank, the Vet's are bring you a new a/c. 


Thank You and God Bless America, I will be singing your praises.   Pat Anderson


Thanks to member Bill Black for donating his Irish Music Sesions at Gray Gables of $500 and Tony Manfredi always generous.


Another Disabled 82nd Airborne and Iraqi Vet need $1,500 for rent, food diapers etc. Her Fiancée was just laid off and things were tight. We visit the home with the checks from CCVI and Dennis VFW Post 10274, President Sayers noticed no A/C in the home with one child and an infant. Richie went up to Benny’s and brought the A/c units with a 50% discount from Benny’s, and brought them to Christine.


As you could tell with the baby in a diaper yes I could. Thank you so much for everything you have done for myself and family.




The Orleans Police 5 K Run on Sept. 5th was a nice event with the proceeds donated to CCVI. Thanks you Officer Casey Eagan and the Orleans PD for the donations. Pictures on Web.


CCVI thanks the Kelly Family of Sudbury for generous donation of $3,000 to assist Massachusetts Disabled Veterans.


Our 2nd Wounded Warfighters Fishing Trip was Sept. 10th in Falmouth. Six specially adapted boats under the leadership of Captain Matt “Cranny” Carroll took out 32 Wounded Warfighters from Spaulding. The Boat House Rest. cooked up the caught fish for diner (and what a meal it was). Crazy Quilters of Cape Cod gave every Disabled Vet a quilt especially made for them ( see web site for story and picture’s). Great job Captain Terry Clen for setting this up. Thanks to the Keough Family for their $500 donation.

Rich, Paul, Matt, Joe, and all,

   Thanks for the great fishing event, my brother Steve and I enjoyed it, the quilts were extra special, please feel free to reach out to me, if I can ever be of assistance, vet issue or not

Chris Conley


A $1,000 was delivered to the Hyannis Disabled Vet who gave us his only item of worth he had after CCVI rehabbed his home, a comic book he said was worth $40. CCVI Auctioned it off at our event and Dave and Muriel bid $1,000 for it. The members felt it was appropriate to return the comic book and $1,000 to the needy Vietnam Vet, and it was.


CCVI thanks all who donated, please visit our web site for our up-coming events


Sept.19th Sunset Cruise on Lobster Roll is sold out! Thank you Joe Buscone for the donation.


Oct. 10th Wings Fest, no cost to enter, Noon -4PM at the Irish Village, live music $10 donation


Oct 24th Kenny McGilvray Halloween Golf Shootout in costume at the Blue Rock Golf Course, $85, proceeds go to CCVI and the Yarmouth pantry this year please bring non-perishables. 9AM tee off.


Nov. 8th  Walter Reed Society Fundraiser at the Irish Village 2-6PM, Sarah Swain and the Oh Boys, live auction. All proceeds for the event to the Walter Reed Society.


Dec. 8th Irish Bake Off at Irish Village, no cost to enter, bake any of your favorite recipes. live music. $5



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Cape Cod Veterans, Inc

The Veteran’s Creed

  1. I am an American Veteran
  2. I proudly served my country
  3. I live the values I learned in the military
  4. I continue to serve my community, my country and my fellow veterans
  5. I maintain my physical and mental discipline
  6. I continue to lead and improve
  7. I make a difference
  8. I honor and remember my fallen comrades

The creed is supported by AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans, HillVets, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Reserve Officers Association, Student Veterans of America, Team Rubicon Global, Veterans of Foreign Wars .