News & Press

Cape Cod Veterans News


On a cold windy day citizens of Cape Cod came together to assist an 84 year-old-Veteran in need of a new roof.  Unable to afford a new roof on a small pension the veteran and his wife collected the rain water in buckets as it dripped into their home. Too proud to ask for help, their daughter reached out to Cape Cod Veterans Inc. on Facebook in late September for help (“Hello, Deputy Chief Xiarhos advised me to get in touch via Facebook again, so I am getting in touch with you regarding my father”).  Paul Glynn, President of CCVI visited the property and instantly saw the challenge with the roof and yard clean-up. At the same time Todd Telesmanick of TMP Property Management contacted CCVI to work together on the project. In the meantime Todd and his wife covered the Veterans roof with tarps, to prevent further damage. Todd wrote a list of items needed for the project and sent it to Mid Cape Home Centers. The CCVI staff visited the Town of Harwich to ensure there were no problems with the permit. They were told that the Property Tax was $2,304 in arrears, and no permit would be issued till taxes are paid. CCVI President Glynn called for electronic vote by members on the issue, a resounding unanimous vote was recorded. At the October CCVI meeting a successful vote was taken to also fund the project. The CCVI staff visited Mid Cape Home Centers in South Dennis to request a donation of materials. The Company has assisted CCVI in the past with generous donations of materials. The company came through again with a discount of 50% on material. Next step was to visit Sean DeLude at Nauset Disposal to request a 30 yard dumpster. Again, Sean donated a dumpster as he has done in the past. Every year Atlantic Payroll of Brewster assists CCVI in cleaning a Veteran's yard, this year CCVI requested Steve and Christine Ellard to volunteer their company’s staff to clean the Veterans yard. In the meantime Todd and his wife were assembling the work crews for the roof.  On Friday November 8 th Todd assembled the citizens and work began.  The Veteran, his wife and daughter were there to assist in any way they could and were so thankful for the generosity of the people who made this a reality. Cape Cod Veterans Inc. wishes to thank all those who made this possible especially Terry O’Donnell of the Sand Dollar Bar who this year donated $30,000 from his Annual Sand Dollars For Soldiers benefit. Terry has donated over $225,000 to CCVI in the past 8 years. You can contact CCVI at Facebook or at PO Box 81 Dennis Port MA 02639

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Cape Cod Veterans, Inc

The Veteran’s Creed

  1. I am an American Veteran
  2. I proudly served my country
  3. I live the values I learned in the military
  4. I continue to serve my community, my country and my fellow veterans
  5. I maintain my physical and mental discipline
  6. I continue to lead and improve
  7. I make a difference
  8. I honor and remember my fallen comrades

The creed is supported by AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans, HillVets, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Reserve Officers Association, Student Veterans of America, Team Rubicon Global, Veterans of Foreign Wars .